2islands.zip 9263 04-29-96 Two Islands. Winter, 96x96, 1 player. By | Roland Haag, hucky@nuernberg.netsurf.de 7eleven.zip 22208 04-29-96 7 Eleven. Winter, 128x128, 1 player. Cesar | Kuriyama & Juan Kuriyama, Yurico@aol.com & | kuriyama@ix.netcom.com alkatraz.zip 15076 04-29-96 Alkatraz. Winter, 128x128, 1 player. By | Matthew Sidesinger, zorcom@gnn.com aussy.zip 15280 04-29-96 Australia. Wasteland,, 128x128, 1 player. By | Justin Timblin, jet@engin.umich.edu bahkrat.zip 17082 04-29-96 Bahkrat. Wasteland, 128x128, 1 player. By Hank | Lee, raisltin@sfsu.edu bank.zip 17593 04-29-96 Bank. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. biglake.zip 9990 04-29-96 Big Lake. Forest, 96x96, 1 player. birace.zip 9303 04-29-96 Bi-Racial Battle. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. bludlust.zip 12809 04-29-96 Bludlust. Winter, 128x128, 1 player max, 3 | computers max. By Shampoo405@aol.com and | grunge19@starnetinc.com blulite.zip 11617 04-29-96 Operation Blue Light. Winter, 96x96, 1 player. | By Christopher Albus, calbus@cris.com bridges.zip 14777 04-29-96 Bridges. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. british.zip 9378 04-29-96 The Castle of Lord British. Wasteland, 96x96, 1 | player. By Michael Hancock, | afterall@ix.netcom.com building.zip 14582 04-29-96 Building. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By | Michael Hancock, afterall@ix.netcom.com butgood.zip 18223 04-29-96 Hard but Good. Wasteland,, 128x128, 1 player. | By Calder, Blair, calder@itgroup.com camelot.zip 18153 04-29-96 Camelot. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Wayne | Smith, wsmith@mail.frontiernet.net captflg.zip 22855 04-29-96 Capture The Flag. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By | Dave Cohen, Sanaugi@aol.com capture.zip 14885 04-29-96 Capture. Wasteland, 128x128, 1 player. By | rank@oanet.com, rank@oanet.com chogall.zip 23887 04-29-96 Cho'Gall's Hate Canals. Forest, 128x128, 1 | player. By Gregg Velez, greggy@sierra.net civilwa.zip 18748 04-29-96 Civil War. Winter, 128x128, 1 player. By Eric | Burns, eburns41@PORTLAND. CAPS.MAINE.EDU crossriv.zip 15938 04-29-96 Crossrivers. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Jeff | Kunkel, chessman@aol.com d_wc2edt.zip 20103 04-29-96 diediedi.zip 19465 04-29-96 Die, Die, Die. Wasteland,, 128x128, 1 player. | By choppa@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au dispute.zip 21097 04-29-96 Border Dispute. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By | Francois Malan, fmalan@global.co.za dragi.zip 19213 04-29-96 Dragon's Keep. Wasteland, 128x128, 1 player. By | xonin@aol.com, xonin@aol.com dragon.zip 15979 04-29-96 Dragon. Wasteland,, 128x128, 1 player. By Oleg | Karas, oleg2@apex.arcus.lv drout.zip 19014 04-29-96 Drout. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. dstorm2.zip 9369 04-29-96 Desert Storm. Wasteland, 96x96, 1 player. england.zip 14189 04-29-96 England. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. forest.zip 18488 04-29-96 The Forest. Winter, 128x128, 1 player. By John | White, whitesr@freenet.scri.fsu.edu fort.zip 57180 04-29-96 Defend and Destroy. Human player, defend sea | bay port and destroy all orc encampments. | Forest, 128x128, 1 player max. By Tony Moore, | Tony.Moore@internetMCI.COM fortify.zip 8056 04-29-96 Northern Fortification. Forest, 64x64, 1 | player. By Tom Evans, wierdo@ix.netcom.com frost.zip 13821 04-29-96 Frost. Winter, 96x96, 1 player. By Brandon | Kraft, Shampoo405@aol.com goduther.zip 13373 04-29-96 Rescue the GOD. Winter, 96x96, 1 player. By | LIKWED, likwed@ibm.net guarmy.zip 20806 04-29-96 Gul'dan's Army. Wasteland,, 128x128, 1 player. | By Randude28@aol.com holdout.zip 17363 04-29-96 Hold Out. Wasteland, 128x128, 1 player. By | dhaven@gate.net, dhaven@gate.net hope.zip 16117 04-29-96 Operation Restore Hope. Forest, 128x128, 1 | player. By Christopher Albus, calbus@cris.com human1.zip 404348 04-29-96 human2.zip 650641 04-29-96 hunt1.zip 18813 04-29-96 Hunt 1. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Dimitri | Tzotzos, dimitrit@UVic.CA hunting.zip 11687 04-29-96 Hunting. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Michael | Hancock, afterall@ix.netcom.com imposibl.zip 19486 04-29-96 Two on One. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. Cesar | Kuriyama & Juan Kuriyama, Yurico@aol.com & | kuriyama@ix.netcom.com invasion.zip 21317 04-29-96 Invasion. Wasteland, 128x128, 1 player. island.zip 16536 04-29-96 Island People. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By | Steven Knotz, bitsko@kbbsnet.com isles.zip 19027 04-29-96 Isles. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Mike | Carlson, ? islewar.zip 14058 04-29-96 War on the Islands. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. | By John White, whitesr@freenet.scri.fsu.edu killam1.zip 6501 04-29-96 Killam. Forest, 64x64, 1 player. By | logain@atcon.com, logain@atcon.com killian.zip 19274 04-29-96 Kill Ian. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Ian | Weatherburn, | ian.weatherburn@mail.liberty.co.za killorcs.zip 16031 04-29-96 Killorcs. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. AJ & | Greg, ajfrewin@switchtech.net kyri.zip 14179 04-29-96 Kyri. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. map.zip 16431 04-29-96 Map. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. mayhem.zip 18546 04-29-96 Mayhem. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Raphael | Ruiz, rruiz02@solix.fiu.edu michigan.zip 10263 04-29-96 Michigan. Winter, 96x96, 1 player. By Justin | Timblin, jet@engin.umich.edu middle.zip 18083 04-29-96 Middle. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Darren | Thomson, thom0390@gold.tc.umn.edu moats.zip 15074 04-29-96 Moats of Fury. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By | Cameron Buschardt, c027319@starnetinc.com mount.zip 6246 04-29-96 Moutains, Trees and Everything else. Winter, | 64x64, 1 player. By wrwright@ix.netcom.com moveit.zip 17756 04-29-96 Move It!. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. nfrndenz.zip 22141 04-29-96 Infernal Denizens of the Wasteland,. Wasteland,, | 128x128, 1 player. By Sanaugi@aol.com no_fear.zip 11671 04-29-96 No Fear. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Chris | Bennett, chrisb@moenet.com.au nz.zip 13329 04-29-96 New Zealand. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By | Jason Walker, jwalker@ihug.co.nz onemine.zip 5859 04-29-96 A Race to the Finish. Winter, 64x64, 1 player. | By Ian Weatherburn, | ian.weatherburn@mail.liberty.co.za peldor.zip 18456 04-29-96 Peldor. Forest, 128x128, 1 player max, 5 | computers max. By virgil@austin.ibm.com philmap1.zip 16628 04-29-96 Phil's First. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By | Dave Metcalf and Phil Symonds, | metco@tilers.demon.co.uk portals.zip 17220 04-29-96 Portals of Doom. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By | Adrian Choi, choppa@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au potw2.zip 15494 04-29-96 Pirates of the Wasteland 2. Wasteland, 128x128, | 1 player. By Christopher Albus, | calbus@cris.com recover.zip 13763 04-29-96 Recovery. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By John | White, whitesr@freenet.scri.fsu.edu rescue.zip 9696 04-29-96 Rescue. Winter, 96x96, 1 player. By Jong Kon | Yoon, jkyoon@cyberus.ca rescue2.zip 12979 04-29-96 Rescue 2. Wasteland, 128x128, 1 player. By Jong | Kon Yoon, jkyoon@cyberus.ca rescue3.zip 16715 04-29-96 Rescue 3. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Jong | Kon Yoon, jkyoon@cyberus.ca rocks.zip 14661 04-29-96 Rocks. Forest, 96x96, 1 player. By Jong Kon | Yoon, jkyoon@cyberus.ca sandd.zip 10509 04-29-96 Search and Destroy. Player is humans, thier job | is to search out and destroy all orc camps in | the forest of Krandia. Forest, 96x96, 1 player | max. By Tony Moore, | Tony.Moore@internetMCI.COM sea.zip 16639 04-29-96 Battle for the Seas. Basically a sea level, you | have to manage both land and sea forces for | this one. Winter, 128x128, 1 player. By Cort | Stowe, cstowe@radix.net seafrtrs.zip 12929 04-29-96 Sea Fortress. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. shadowc.zip 14913 04-29-96 Destroy the Shadow Council. Forest, 128x128, 1 | player. By Deckker, s0800048@singnet.com.sg showdown.zip 17942 04-29-96 Showdown. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Seth | Luisi, appreciate it if the author would | provide one. strong.zip 12816 04-29-96 Stronghold. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By | 103365.2570@compuserve.com stuntisl.zip 12483 04-29-96 Stunt Island. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By | Michael Hancock, afterall@ix.netcom.com survive.zip 13944 04-29-96 Survive. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. By Steven | Knotz, bitsko@kbbsnet.com t2.zip 7879 04-29-96 T2. Forest, 64x64, 1 player. By | Clawsssss@aol.com time2die.zip 16241 04-29-96 A Time to Build & A Time to Die. Forest, | 128x128, 1 player. By Ian Weatherburn, | ian.weatherburn@mail.liberty.co.za toflip.zip 12381 04-29-96 Toflip. Forest, 96x96, 1 player. By Stimpcat, | stimpcat@generation.net traitor.zip 13906 04-29-96 Traitor and Surrounded. Wasteland,, 96x96, 1 | player. By Randude28@aol.com wall.zip 13853 04-29-96 Wall. Forest, 128x128, 1 player. war2map.zip 19376 04-29-96 Lands of Glory and Doom. Forest, 128x128, 1 | player. By Grymloke@aol.com warmongr.zip 16072 04-29-96 Warmonger. Wasteland, 128x128, 1 player. By | Kenneth Ford, kford19@starnetinc.com water.zip 12510 04-29-96 Water Seperaters Orc from Human. Forest, | 128x128, 1 player. By wrwright@ix.netcom.com wc2_outp.zip 15114 04-29-96 The Two Outposts. Wasteland,, 128x128, 1 | player. By Daniel Terborn, | daniel.terborn@mailbox.swipnet.se wolver.zip 12584 04-29-96 Wolverine. Forest, 96x96, 1 player. By Justin | Timblin, jet@engin.umich.edu